It’s that time of year, school is starting back and student and teachers are getting ready to start learning again. I’ll be back in graduated school this semester, studying holistic nutrition.
My clients often ask me “how do I balance studying with healthy snacking?’. The pizza years for most of my clients is long gone. The brain needs optimal nutrition for memory. unfortunately, a snack cake and energy drink are not optical choices. Here’s my take on healthy vegan snacks for busy students.
Fruit and Nuts - Most cafeterias have fruit cups on the go. Opt for the fresh cut fruit and a few ounces of nuts should hold you over along during a study break.
Roasted edamame - this one takes a bit of planning roast some edamame and store it in air tight containers. This is a perfect add on to a snack during a study break. Edamame is an excellent source of isoflavones. Which have been found to help with cognition and verbal fluency, according to Medical News Today.
Apples and Nut Butter- This snack is an oldy, but a goody. Apples provide a source of carbohydrates for energy and healthy protein, fiber, unrefined carbs and fats. Apples low glycemic and prevent sugar crashes.
Water- In a paper, Water, Hydration and Health, Barry M. Popkin, Kristen E. D’Anci, and Irwin H. Rosenberg assess: “Water comprises from 75% body weight in infants to 55% in elderly and is essential for cellular homeostasis and life.” Water is essential in keeping your brain functioning well and your memory sharp.
hummus and vegetables This snack is protein and fiber packed. The perfect snack for your late study nights.
Water, Hydration and Health - PMC
National Institutes of Health : › articles › PMC2908954
Is edamame good for you? Nutrition, calories, recipes, benefits, and all you need to know
Protein, Fat, and Fiber Snack: How Apples and Peanut Butter Are Good for You